📄️ 🎬 Custom Server Entrypoint
Dart Frog supports creating a custom entrypoint in cases where you need fine-grained control over the server initialization or wish to execute code prior to starting the server.
📄️ 🛫 Custom Init Method
Dart Frog supports creating a custom entrypoint as shown in the Custom Entrypoint docs but that will run every time the server hot reloads. In cases where you want to initialize something only on server start, like setting up a database connection, you can use the init method.
📄️ 🐳 Custom Dockerfile
A Dockerfile is automatically generated when creating a production build via the dart_frog build command.
📄️ 🔌 WebSockets
Dart Frog recently introduced package:dartfrogwebsocket to make working with WebSockets easier.
📄️ 🔋 Powered By Header
By default, all Dart Frog responses include an X-Powered-By header:
📄️ 🔑 Security Context
By default, Dart Frog uses the insecure HTTP protocol. To enable the secure HTTPS protocol, you must pass a SecurityContext to the serve method in a custom entrypoint:
📄️ 🔒 Authentication
There are many different approaches, protocols, and services when tackling authentication in a backend, which can all be affected by the business logic of the application.
📄️ ⚔️ Handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing or CORS is a common thing that needs to be handled by backend servers.
📄️ 🐛 Debugging
In some cases, you'll want to debug your Dart Frog app, and you might have noticed that by adding just the breakpoint, the debugger doesn't stop there like it does by default in a Flutter app.
📄️ 🧰 Daemon
Dart Frog daemon is a standing process that, during its lifetime, will be used by first and